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What can you do that would set you apart from others? Obviously something like "type 100 words per minute" isn't a real necessity, while someone that knows advanced medicine would be very valuable.
Great subject!

I am a carpenter by trade so I could easily help people out building things and repairing stuff that needs to be fixed. My fear is that most of us that are prepared already have some of those skills and will be able to do these things on there own. The people who will need the help won't be the kind of people that I will want to interact with in this type of situation.
Engineering at it's basic level.

McGyvering together what's available to provide shelter, power, water, sanitation, transportation, communications, or basic first aid.

And of course, can also be part of a security team with martial arts and weapons training.
11Charlie, don't worry. I believe there'll be people you'll be able to interact with for your skill.
There are allot of people with the prepping mindset, who have been at it for years, and because of those years, aren't entirely physically able to do it all for themselves. Of course, I'm talking about people 50 years plus old, Or maybe a disabled Vet... or, not to be sexist, a woman.

Gotta look at all the angles, brother.

I'm a Jack of all trades, master of none. Most of my capabilities are in the mechanical, electrical, troubleshooting/problem solving areas, and cover a wide swath of applications. Also, knowledge, and wisdom. Leadership. The things that'll hopefully sew a group of people together and keep them from tearing each other apart.
11Charlie, don't worry. I believe there'll be people you'll be able to interact with for your skill.
There are allot of people with the prepping mindset, who have been at it for years, and because of those years, aren't entirely physically able to do it all for themselves. Of course, I'm talking about people 50 years plus old, Or maybe a disabled Vet... or, not to be sexist, a woman.

Gotta look at all the angles, brother.

I'm a Jack of all trades, master of none. Most of my capabilities are in the mechanical, electrical, troubleshooting/problem solving areas, and cover a wide swath of applications. Also, knowledge, and wisdom. Leadership. The things that'll hopefully sew a group of people together and keep them from tearing each other apart.

Again great post! I believe you are correct. I have come to the point in my life where I ear on the side of caution when it comes to people here in the PNW. I am looking forward to the day that we move to AZ and join the kids.
Just to clarify there are people here that I trust and would have there six any day. I am very fortunate to call these people my friends. Even better is that I have met those people on NWFA. some day I would love to put a shoot together with some of you guys when I am in AZ.
For those who have yet to meet 11Charley, here is a picture I took of him when he wasn't payin attention because some one was shooting the wrong target!
Again great post! I believe you are correct. I have come to the point in my life where I ear on the side of caution when it comes to people here in the PNW. I am looking forward to the day that we move to AZ and join the kids.

Now that I've seen a picture of you, I think I'll start calling you "Sir"!!

Well brother, I'm sure you've experienced the heat here first hand in the summer, if you haven't, it'll darn sure warp your sense of humor!!
You're gonna tweak the way you prep a bit, too. Ideal situation is someone in your family has a well. Water is a commodity here, mostly if something were to happen... once in a while we are rationing. (Here that means you don't water your lawn...) lots of wide open spaces out here, too. Might be a little disorienting for someone from the PNW, but like all change, just takes getting used to, and time in it will do that.

I'd have to say I don't think "bad" people follow geographical boundaries, no more than they follow race, religion, or any other "box" you try to put them in. They are everywhere, including here. Getting out of the valley and getting in a small town and you'll have a more "salt of the earth" experience. Still, I find good people here every day in my travels.
I'd have to say I don't think "bad" people follow geographical boundaries, no more than they follow race, religion, or any other "box" you try to put them in. They are everywhere, including here. Getting out of the valley and getting in a small town and you'll have a more "salt of the earth" experience. Still, I find good people here every day in my travels.

Agreed but from my experience the people in AZ are a little more salt of the earth than the people in Portland. If you haven't been to Portland don't bother my guess is from your posts you are a salt of the earth kinda of guy and you probably wouldn't like it very much.
I have found Az to be a lot of fun once you know the inns and outs and the out of the way places to visit!
Tucson is sort of home for us now ( 19 miles south exactly ) and we really enjoy getting out and exploring! Crime is no different then the PNW really, at least you can fight back with out being the bad guy for defending your self! Will be back for the winter if all goes as planned, and who knows, may end up staying and splitting time between there and the ranch in Colorado!
I have found Az to be a lot of fun once you know the inns and outs and the out of the way places to visit!
Tucson is sort of home for us now ( 19 miles south exactly ) and we really enjoy getting out and exploring! Crime is no different then the PNW really, at least you can fight back with out being the bad guy for defending your self! Will be back for the winter if all goes as planned, and who knows, may end up staying and splitting time between there and the ranch in Colorado!

We will be there for Christmas. I'm thinking a range day will be in order and see if we can get a bunch of these guys together so they can meet our ugly mugs!! :s0112:
previous thread

my response
"hunting/game prep skills
mechanical skills
shooting skills
making fire skills
farming/growing things skill
s "
To add..
15 year ex auto mech.
Backwoods/Primitive survival skills
We will be there for Christmas. I'm thinking a range day will be in order and see if we can get a bunch of these guys together so they can meet our ugly mugs!! :s0112:

You guys got nothin on me. I'm uglier than a baboon's azz... so I been told!
Maybe that's why people leave me alone!

Range day sounds good. Have guns. Will travel.
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