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My cavity turned abscessed from waiting so long to be seen. Was that you? Lol. Crossing over the Nogales border afoot, ergo NEVER drive, is absolutely safe within the tourist shopping area, (appx 3 blocks with Calle Obregon (street) being the center Between beginning to the end of the street. It's teeming with an amount equal to the sidewalks of Manhattan with Americans during the weekends. I've never waited on foot longer than an hour to get back across and par is usually about 20-25 mins. The Cartel doesn't bother within that area less trucks that are toting all the drugs across. If they were there they want nothing to do with you. Go deeper (10 miles or more and you can get into a dangerous situation quick (1st hand experience), but it's locals with the idea of easy money from a Caucasian from the U.S. like me. I speak fairly fluent Espanol so with that and the fact that the family own 3 houses in Alamos, (right next to the Sinaloan Cartel ) I was left alone and got my root canal done. Remember this is way away from any American shoppers. Go to Tijuana and it's a whole different story. I've been behind a meat cart during a breakout of massive full auto fire between the police and the cartel there and dove into a building for several hours until I convinced a cabby to get me back to the CA border ....$150 ride leaving out the back door which is normally $10.
Funny how our government furnished outlaws there with thousands of assault rifles which they lost all track of and how illegal it is to possess ANY gun there. You forget a box of 22lr in your car and they check you (no gun) and the sentence for this school teacher with his family was 25 years. Didn't serve but a portion of it (dont recall how long but something like 3 years and a ton of money for attorney fees and paying off a bunch of officials.
Bottom line Nogales Sonora shopping just across the border is a huge income for them and I've never had a problem except haggling the lowest price for furniture there out of well over 150 visits

I have a Customs sorta friend who works at the border. He told me if anyone is at his crossing point for more the 5 minutes, something is wrong....right !

I live maybe 5 miles from where Agent Terry was assassinated with Obama/Holter guns.
Funny how our government furnished outlaws there with thousands of assault rifles which they lost all track of and how illegal it is to possess ANY gun there.
I was with you until you used the terminology employed by the Criminal Left and their Criminal Left Media lapdogs to describe firearms commonly available to legally-qualified American citizens. Firearms owners suffer a loss when we who understand these guns use the same terminology so used by those who hate Black Rifles-- and all guns in general. Please do not provide aid and comfort to the enemy...
Fortunately for me I got my AR10A before they went away. With a good optic is a lot of fun to shoot long distances. Was going to Texas this spring for a hog hunt but that has been put on hold.

We of the Criminal Left know it's just a rifle. But it has military roots. We hate the military. They kill America's enemies-- enemies that could one day become United States citizens and who'd vote for us. We hate the discipline of the military. We believe men and women should have no rules that deter any libertine desires they may hold. We hate the rank structure of the military. We believe all men and women are equal, and that a rank structure is a mental torture upon those in the lower ranks. We hate the protruding pistol grip. Tens of thousands of highly-respected psychiatrists have determined that the grip has the power to take control of the user's mind and thus force him to commit heinous crimes with the rifle. We hate the bayonet lug. While there is little to zero evidence that drive-by bayonettings are on the rise, it could happen. We have to be prepared, which means we have to pass laws that reduce your Liberty...

but it looks so scary.JPG
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Ben Avery shooting facility has closed for the last couple of weeks to the general public and no date has been given for reopening. An open air range seems like a pretty safe place but apparently the powers that be think it's only safe for LEOs, they must have super resistance to the virus.
The fortunate thing we have not had shooters with intelligence on the weapons that they choose. Except for Las Vegas most get the cool guns, something ill suited for mass murder. A CQB shotgun with buckshot would do one hell of a lot more damage. Most of us better schooled would choose differently. One of the reasons we own more than one of anything. We are not the problem we are the silent majority of weapon owners who will use our devices to protect our lives, family and property from those that would do us harm.
Jared Loughner, here in Tucson would have done a lot more damage with a 4x4 pickup than what he chose. I was out bird hunting that day. Parked a buddy of mine's car near the front door. We got back early afternoon and saw the mess in the parking lot. I drove carefully to his taped off car. As soon as we had stopped the herd of badges descended, both uniformed and plain clothes. They knew our names, they had called his wife. We did not carry our cell phones that day. The law was relatively polite considering both of us had sidearms on. We asked 3 times before we touched the cases with the shotguns in the back of my truck. We still go shooting birds but do not leave vehicles parked near the front door of any business.
I fooled with maybe 500 .223 cases, today. Resized them. Have to now trim, chamfer and deburr the mouths.

I've spent the last ten days packing up my shop. Getting ready to sell the house when this thing is over so we can make the move to AZ by year end. If this goes to long I might have to unpack my reloading gear.
The demand for fuel is way down. I was doing two tanker loads a day from Phoenicia, up to Prescott, and the Verde. Now the company is giving me 4 days a week, and one load each day I work. They are spreading the loads out evenly trying to keep everyone working.
On a "GOOOD NOTE",,, no rush traffic backups, and I-17 northbound traffic is like driving in the middle of the night. Gong to spoil me.
Still have car drivers who think they are in a video game. LOL
Have to now trim, chamfer and deburr the mouths.
Got through a massive number of them; was up until 0430 last night. I became addicted to wanting to do one more and one more and one more. Just a small pile to do, now.

I started segregating LC15 and LC16 brass, just for the helsinki of it. I now have enough of each year to do-up a number of different loads in same-year cases. I have long seen that when a reloader uses LC brass in his developments, he just supplies that the brass used was "Lake City," but never the years. I wondered if a different manufacturing year might exhibit different accuracy characteristics. So now I have a slew of brass with which to fool. When the government says I can go outside and be very alone in the desert to shoot, we can go out there and print some small groups...
I was doing two tanker loads a day from Phoenicia, up to Prescott, and the Verde.
I've driven tankers, too. Unbaffled food grade. Milk. I liked it. I drove two 42-footers (105 feet long) from Fallon, NV down to Vegas for 169 trips between August 2006 to January 2008. Around 150,000 miles. No scales going down US 95, so I overloaded my set to around 141,000 pounds. Permitted to 129,00 pounds. Never had a problem. The run finally came to an end when another company from Kalifonia offered a better price to haul it and we got the axe.

I have never driven fuel. Would like to try it, though...
I've driven tankers, too. Unbaffled food grade. Milk. I liked it. I drove two 42-footers (105 feet long) from Fallon, NV down to Vegas for 169 trips between August 2006 to January 2008. Around 150,000 miles. No scales going down US 95, so I overloaded my set to around 141,000 pounds. Permitted to 129,00 pounds. Never had a problem. The run finally came to an end when another company from Kalifonia offered a better price to haul it and we got the axe.

I have never driven fuel. Would like to try it, though...
Don't drive trucks but that climb or descent be it going North or South of Verde Valley about the Sunset Point area seems to always be filled with idiots switching lanes like the Indy. I've been inches from being clipped too many times. Must be hell with a truck/trailer (double trailer?!) wow. Growing up, I would always be watching for that sand filled truck (runaway truck?) pull off that is on the left going North of Sunset Point to Verde and remember (about 5 years old) asking my dad who drove Conway Western local for 30yrs what it was and him making me guess. Answer (ehmm for people that missed the rest stop dad?")
AZ or at least Phoenix has been put on a curfew that at this point rules people to stay at home with exceptions that are the loose part of this beginning ergo essential jobs, groceries, essential destinations etc. Streets are like it's 1970 something so far, but I wonder if this is (how they always take freedoms or rights away), the slow integration like putting the frog in a pot of water THEN heating it up so he doesn't jump out - the beginning of a deployment of the guard and/or marslhal law? No paranoia here, it's just that the governor addressed the state and made sure we knew he has the right to do this if he himself should decide. Procrastination has a new definition for me: China's six week wait until letting the world know of their nice virus break out and the in credible amount of flights (perhaps the non procrastinators?) that flew out of that country during that critical time. Does anyone think or have more than anecdotal thoughts on: If China were to have reported day 1, would they or could they have terminated all flight traffic and closed borders and contained it with the help of the w.h.o. etc? I wondered because I now wonder if a place like North Korea has it being one of the most insulated places on earth?
I have reliable informazion that runs have begun on banks and pharmacies in Washington State. No indication same is happening in Nevada.
Say what? Narry a word one about runs on either one that I've heard of and I live in Washington. Banks are by machine or online only. No lobby access. Same with our credit unions. Every pharmacy I've seen is open. Even here in my little town of 3600 the pharmacy is open.

Say what? Narry a word one about runs on either one that I've heard of and I live in Washington.
A relative with DNA extremely close to mine (we could even share the same bowls!) said so several days ago. Like you, I have not heard of any runs on banks or pharmacies in any locations around the country. If there actually have been any, I guess the Criminal Left Media didn't believe such stories would be damaging enough to Trump to report them.

I walked into my local Walgreen's a week ago and got my scrips right quick because no one else was in line. My dad sent to me the first refills from Virginia on the scrips my doctor had just prescribed-- the same ones I filled at Walgreen's that day. No waiting or fistfights in the line to fill either of them. Maybe my relative heard something wrong, or maybe he just created the story. He's exponentially more intelligent than me, so maybe it was me who misinterpreted what he wrote about runs, et cetera. I'm the dumb piece of sewage solids in the family, so I'll go with that explanation...
I wondered because I now wonder if a place like North Korea has it, being one of the most insulated places on Earth?
There was one confirmed case in North Korea. Kim had the patient executed. There are now no more reported cases in North Korea. Any more probable cases are keeping their mouths shut...
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