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Life in the United States with COVID-19...

Liberals facing a 99.7% survival rate - small.JPG
Still alive and kicking in AZ. Mask's required at more and more places everyday. Just recently had a friend who I worked with years ago pass away from Covid. 51 years old and supposedly healthy. Not sure I agree with the numbers. Hard to believe I guess. That's just me. I'm for letting everybody make up their own mind about going out or doing whatever. Not a fan of being told what to do. I figured I would post since nobody has posted in quite awhile on this subject. I also have worked the whole time and have not had any issues.
Still alive and kicking in AZ. Mask's required at more and more places everyday. Just recently had a friend who I worked with years ago pass away from Covid. 51 years old and supposedly healthy. Not sure I agree with the numbers. Hard to believe I guess. That's just me. I'm for letting everybody make up their own mind about going out or doing whatever. Not a fan of being told what to do. I figured I would post since nobody has posted in quite awhile on this subject. I also have worked the whole time and have not had any issues.

Sorry to hear about your friend. We are actually here now. Moved into town on the second of July. Got tell ya I can't wait till this thing is over and things get back to normal. I did get out and have breakfast with a couple of the guys this morning which was nice.
Just been manning the push cart brigade, going through the neighborhoods calling, "Bring out your dead!"

Some struggle, but the chloroform and fentanyl solves that little problem.

The refrigerated truck comes every day just after dark and it has a drop forklift with a large basket - which helps.

The trailer incinerators FEMA brought in back in October-November are really nice. No visible smoke or smell. They do about 400 bodies a day and man, do they burn hot.

It's actually slowed down some, so they've been bringing in bodies of Antifa/BLM protestors after snatching them up off of the streets of Portland and Seattle. Those are in pretty bad shape, but no one is complaining. Especially not the 'clientele'. ;)
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Like your humor,
Does seem like the black death accounts. That was eventually traced to a genetic resistance to it if I remember correctly. So we that are here were descendants of the ones that survived.
Saw a web page recently that had the numbers of recovered as well as the sky is falling numbers we are all so used to being drummed.
The only problem is we as a globe still do not know if getting it and recovering will provide resistance to it. Best information I have read is if your really sick you might get 90 day immunity or less.
Which makes one think about the whole testing concept. If you can get it again how is that going to screw/skew with the numbers. Tit does it this way and tat does it that way. We really have no idea of what is going on. So fellow members, what or who is going to be the next dominate species on the planet?
Like your humor,
Does seem like the black death accounts. That was eventually traced to a genetic resistance to it if I remember correctly. So we that are here were descendants of the ones that survived.
Saw a web page recently that had the numbers of recovered as well as the sky is falling numbers we are all so used to being drummed.
The only problem is we as a globe still do not know if getting it and recovering will provide resistance to it. Best information I have read is if your really sick you might get 90 day immunity or less.
Which makes one think about the whole testing concept. If you can get it again how is that going to screw/skew with the numbers. Tit does it this way and tat does it that way. We really have no idea of what is going on. So fellow members, what or who is going to be the next dominate species on the planet?

Your blood type has a role in your resistance to infection as well. I have heard from more than seven sources that O- blood types are particularly resistant to the COVID virus as the virus isn't able to attach to the protein antigens of the O- blood cells like it does for the A, B, and AB blood types.

I'm O- and I very rarely ever get sick, and when I do it's almost always more like the "sniffles" when everyone is getting waylaid flat on their backs.

Another interesting factoid that I learned is the O- blood type is the oldest of the human blood types, and also all the members "royal" bloodlines are O-... not that I don't think they're all a bunch of inbred weirdos anyway, LOL.

So yeah, I got FREAKIN' TIGER BLOOD.... but without that Charlie Sheen drug addict AIDS thing though.... LOL
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