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The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors is meeting on Thursday, January 2, 2020 to debate and vote on a resolution to declare Yavapai County a "Second Amendment Sanctuary."

The hearing will be held at 1015 Fair Street in the Yavapai County building in Prescott Arizona. The meeting starts at 9 AM. Please plan on being there before 8:15 AM to get a seat.

Whether or not you can attend, we ask that you to contact the Yavapai Board of Supervisors and urge them to support the resolution to make Yavapai County a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

We need to fill the room with Yavapai County Second Amendment supporters! A local anti-rights "Progressive" group, Prescott Indivisible, in a Facebook post dated December 19, is encouraging their followers to attend and speak out against the resolution.

If you are interested in organizing to make your county a Second Amendment Sanctuary, please contact Drake Mitchell, AzCDL's Political Action Committee Director, at [email protected].
The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors is meeting on Thursday, January 2, 2020 to debate and vote on a resolution to declare Yavapai County a "Second Amendment Sanctuary."

The hearing will be held at 1015 Fair Street in the Yavapai County building in Prescott Arizona. The meeting starts at 9 AM. Please plan on being there before 8:15 AM to get a seat.

Whether or not you can attend, we ask that you to contact the Yavapai Board of Supervisors and urge them to support the resolution to make Yavapai County a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

We need to fill the room with Yavapai County Second Amendment supporters! A local anti-rights "Progressive" group, Prescott Indivisible, in a Facebook post dated December 19, is encouraging their followers to attend and speak out against the resolution.

If you are interested in organizing to make your county a Second Amendment Sanctuary, please contact Drake Mitchell, AzCDL's Political Action Committee Director, at [email protected].

Y'all look up this fellow he's a champion for gun rights his name is QUANG NGUYEN [email protected] A great fighter for the Constitution. Tell him Bill recommended him! He lives and runs his business from Prescott Valley.
Both Houses of Virginia have gone to Those Who Abhor Individual Liberty. There are 95 counties in Virginia; all but four have voted themselves to be Second Amendment Sanctuary places. The four that did not are all close-in to DC and Richmond. Not a surprise, huh? That 91 of 95 Counties voted Liberty over tyranny ought to be a voice loud enough that even Beethoven could hear it. Americans who really know the score prize their Individual Liberty. Why is it that those in political power are so deaf to us?
If an American citizen is brain-damaged enough to let a politician invalidate his Second Amendment Liberty, what does that same dingbat believe will keep the politicians from invalidating any-- or all-- of the other proscribed Liberties under the Bill of Rights? Government is never to be trusted to do what's best for The People. Government is always to be suspected to do what is best for government.

I cannot understand how so many Americans are willing to let government erode liberties that descend only from God. Maybe it's because God has been removed from the soul of our nation by decades of Those Who Abhor Individual Liberty telling us He has no place in how our laws are shaped? I cannot remember which of the Founding Fathers or which of The Framers said it, but it was said that our Constitution is only good for a nation of just and moral People, and is wholly inapplicable for any other. I have to wonder where we are along the line between just and moral, and being any other...

john adams.JPG

OK; so I got a few words wrong. I had the correct idea. Adams said "inadequate." To me, that means a People who cannot live in Freedom as we've known it for 200-some years without violence and anarchy becoming the norm cannot be governed by words. That People needs brutality and terror to keep them in line. We saw that in the Soviet Union; we're seeing it in many nations around the world. Rush Limbaugh said a few years ago that around 85 to 90 percent of the world's population still lives under dictatorships. Can you believe that? In 2015 or so? It was a gift from God for me to be born in America. I'm one of the lucky 325 million to be so blessed out of almost seven billion. 21:1 odds, and I won...
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Both Houses of Virginia have gone to Those Who Abhor Individual Liberty. There are 95 counties in Virginia; all but four have voted themselves to be Second Amendment Sanctuary places. The four that did not are all close-in to DC and Richmond. Not a surprise, huh? That 91 of 95 Counties voted Liberty over tyranny ought to be a voice loud enough that even Beethoven could hear it. Americans who really know the score prize their Individual Liberty. Why is it that those in political power are so deaf to us?
So the elected officials in VA will choose to ram gun control down the throats of the bulk of the state. So much for representation of 'We the People'.
The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors is meeting on Thursday, January 2, 2020 to debate and vote on a resolution to declare Yavapai County a "Second Amendment Sanctuary."

The hearing will be held at 1015 Fair Street in the Yavapai County building in Prescott Arizona. The meeting starts at 9 AM. Please plan on being there before 8:15 AM to get a seat.

Whether or not you can attend, we ask that you to contact the Yavapai Board of Supervisors and urge them to support the resolution to make Yavapai County a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

We need to fill the room with Yavapai County Second Amendment supporters! A local anti-rights "Progressive" group, Prescott Indivisible, in a Facebook post dated December 19, is encouraging their followers to attend and speak out against the resolution.

If you are interested in organizing to make your county a Second Amendment Sanctuary, please contact Drake Mitchell, AzCDL's Political Action Committee Director, at [email protected].
There has been a change in the wording of that Proclamation. The words 2nd Amendment sanctuary have been removed from it. I have already had conversations with one County Supervisor, and it is going to be quite a hot meeting today because of the removal of that wording.
there will be many of us there who will have the intention of pressuring the County Board to put the proclamation in the same wording as that done in Mojave County here in Arizona. if you are looking to speak with anybody that you've communicated with about this, I will be wearing an American Legion Riders vest and be pretty obvious. I intend to speak not only on behalf of all of the veterans in this County, but also all law enforcement, which are put in a very bad position by the change in wording in this Proclamation. I spent 34 years in Military and law enforcement service, and I'm not about to sit still and stay silent about this.
So the elected officials in VA will choose to ram gun control down the throats of the bulk of the state. So much for representation of "We the People."
Those Who Abhor Individual Liberty are unconcerned with what the citizenry wants versus what laws the powers that be believe should be promulgated. We saw this quite recently when the wanna-be autocrat Michael Doomberg said Xi Jin-ping has to keep in mind what the Chinese People want from their government. Why would Doomberg say such an asinine thing? The answer is exponentially simple. 1) Because Doomberg fully supports the Chinese brand of Communism. 2) Doomberg would like to hold the same power over the American People as Xi holds over the billion-plus Chinese.

Doomberg's words on that day told Americans that they must never vote for such a man so dangerous toward Individual Liberty.
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Ruger has a huge plant in Prescott. I guess the local gun control crowd would like to see it closed and all the employees laid off. What selfish, short sighted babies.
There has been a change in the wording of that Proclamation. The words 2nd Amendment sanctuary have been removed from it. I have already had conversations with one County Supervisor, and it is going to be quite a hot meeting today because of the removal of that wording.
there will be many of us there who will have the intention of pressuring the County Board to put the proclamation in the same wording as that done in Mojave County here in Arizona. if you are looking to speak with anybody that you've communicated with about this, I will be wearing an American Legion Riders vest and be pretty obvious. I intend to speak not only on behalf of all of the veterans in this County, but also all law enforcement, which are put in a very bad position by the change in wording in this Proclamation. I spent 34 years in Military and law enforcement service, and I'm not about to sit still and stay silent about this.

Let us all know how the meeting went!
There has been a change in the wording of that Proclamation. The words 2nd Amendment sanctuary have been removed from it. I have already had conversations with one County Supervisor, and it is going to be quite a hot meeting today because of the removal of that wording.
there will be many of us there who will have the intention of pressuring the County Board to put the proclamation in the same wording as that done in Mojave County here in Arizona. if you are looking to speak with anybody that you've communicated with about this, I will be wearing an American Legion Riders vest and be pretty obvious. I intend to speak not only on behalf of all of the veterans in this County, but also all law enforcement, which are put in a very bad position by the change in wording in this Proclamation. I spent 34 years in Military and law enforcement service, and I'm not about to sit still and stay silent about this.
Update: After hearing from over 100 people, including myself, the board voted to table this issue and give "More thought about the wording"...first battle won. BTW- over 500 people attending...
Being an Ex-Prescott resident I'm proud of you guys, keep them jokers honest!
I even met and shook hands with Mr. Ruger, out at the airport lunch counter
where most of the brass hats ate with him. It being so handy a place to eat,
and the food wasn't bad either. Anyone know if the old terminal is still there?
I spent many an hour out there. Even met Gus Pabst (owner of Pabst Brewing Co.) and John Denver, among others,
they were both pilots. Gus flew war birds, and John flew just about everything!
I miss those days, some of the best in my life!
Too bad that John could not read the fuel gauge on the used Vari-Eze he'd just bought that day in May 1997.
The official NTSB report stated that the fuel switch location was the probable cause of the incident. John had a mirror given to him by his mechanic to read the fuel gauge. It is still sad that running out of fuel is the number one cause of private plane crashes.
Too bad that John could not read the fuel gauge on the used Vari-Eze he'd just bought that day in May 1997.

He couldn't reach the fuel valve the darn thing had been put behind the pilot's seat. Remember this was a home built experimental, built by an amateur, John's mistake was not making sure he had enough fuel in the tank that was selected. That's what killed him!
There were all sorts of stories going around some even said he committed suicide on purpose for one reason or other. Mostly BS tabloid junk.
True enough. The valve was located over his shoulder. I flew my Bonanza with six fuel tanks and switching tanks was common. He should have been able to switch tanks but a pilot calculates his total fuel load not just what is in the tank selected. It was pilot error. The inability to change tanks and failure to control at a low altitude were problems. He should have gotten extra training and a check ride in the Long-EZ . Every plane is different. Hindsight is always 20/20. What do you fly ?
True enough. The valve was located over his shoulder. I flew my Bonanza with six fuel tanks and switching tanks was common. He should have been able to switch tanks but a pilot calculates his total fuel load not just what is in the tank selected. It was pilot error. The inability to change tanks and failure to control at a low altitude were problems. He should have gotten extra training and a check ride in the Long-EZ . Every plane is different. Hindsight is always 20/20. What do you fly ?

My PC chair, is all.
I did get a few hours in a Champ, but I flunked out of AT Aviation Electronics Technicion AT for short, school at Memphis and was shipped to GITMO, Cuba and that was the end of my flight training, $14 per hour wet! I always wanted to get back in the air but raising a family took precedence. :s0058:
There was and maybe still is a small island in the river right below down town Memphis, Tenn. and they had a pontoon boat for a ferry and there was an airstrip, and some hangars there, some of the planes there were real antiques back then early 1960's, don't ask I don't remember the names. Anyway there was a flight instructor with a Champ, I loved it!
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